Monday, January 14, 2013

Lessons in Bitterness (Achoo!)

So I was sitting at the computer desk, when my daughter, Mackenzie (age 6) bursts in and says, "Mom, when I hold my cry in, it makes me need to sneeze!" With her older brother at her heels, he takes a minute to reflect on this statement, obviously recounting the feeling, and confirms, "Yes, it does!" Her statement made me laugh, but also stirred my thoughts. You know, when we hold things in that need to come out, we can inadvertently "sneeze" on others...when they didn't do anything! Now, of course I've never done any of these personally (haha), but a few possibilities do come to mind. ;) Like when a friend hurts my feelings, and all the way home I dream up this big scandal she's plotting against me and then yell at the first person I meet when I get home.(Achoo!) Or, I'm frustrated that no one's in the kitchen helping me wash dishes (or maybe noticing!) so I stomp off and pout the rest of the evening and spoil everyone's mood. (Achoo!) Or, I let others go ahead of me all day, running my love tank completely empty, so as to finally demand my family to do something NOW for me for a change! (Achoo!) Then there's when someone cuts you off in traffic, so you think it's fine to cut off the next person. (Achoo!) Or even going deeper, what about with-holding forgiveness from someone, or the opposite, holding in your love for someone? When we with-hold these things it has an impact on us, even when we're not aware of it. Does behaving like that make us feel better somehow? Maybe, but is short-lived for sure. True healing comes when we get it in the Light and out of the shadows. Sharing coffee with a friend and discussing what hurt your feelings or praying for the driver in front of you who's obviously having a rough day. Asking others to pitch in with a thankful, cheerful heart instead of whining when something's not done, all help to clear the air of self-centerdness. Otherwise a small seed of bitterness is planted, which doesn't take much water at all to grow into an ugly plant with some strong roots! So, instead, "Let us fix our eyes on Jesus, the author and perfecter of our faith who for the joy set before Him, endured the cross, scorning its shame and sat down at the right hand of the throne of God," Heb 12:2. And also remember Paul's instruction in Ephesians 4:31-32 to "Get rid of all bitterness, rage, anger...Be kind and compassionate to one another, forgiving each other just as in Christ God forgave you." So the next time you're tempted to "hold in your cry," remember, you might end up sneezing on someone you love! I'd love to hear some ways this unfolds in your life. Please leave your comments for others to see.


  1. Great message, Julie! You are a gifted writer!-KNut

  2. I remember you telling me this quote of Mackenzie’s and love your thoughts in response to it. I have a tendency to hold in requests for assistance, yet sneeze out frustration or hurt feelings when no one noticed that I wanted help. My husband will say, “Why didn’t you just ask?” You know, that’s a good question. Why didn’t I?!

  3. Loved catching up on your posts. This one was a good word for me. I'm afraid I've been sneezing on a lot of people for a while... :(
