Friday, January 30, 2015

Day with Dads

Adam and I served alongside some dear friends at a prison unit recently, facilitation something called “Day with Dads”. Here, convicts, separated by their families, have the opportunity to fully embrace their loved ones. We served lunch and played games. Had it not been for the white uniforms and guards present, you’d forget this was a prison. To see the faces of the Dads when their son or daughter walked in that room…there are no words, but tears streamed down my cheeks. Through-out the day, the families continued to offer their gratitude for this program and the opportunity twice a year to see their loved one who’s living with the consequences of their choices. The end of the day came, and the good-byes held more tears than the “hellos”, for both parties knew it would be many months before this would happen again. The young children did not understand why Daddy can’t be home.

Wednesday, January 28, 2015

Don't Move that Wall!!


   We've all heard of the re-model project gone awry. The wife wants this wall moved over here to open up this space. That door then scoots down a foot and we put a new archway over there. Sounds simple enough, right? What's the one hitch to pulling it off? After the husband's approval, that is. Right, is "that wall" a load bearing or free standing wall? If that wall has a beam in it that's important to the entire structure of the house, to remove it means you're remodeling more than just the living room!

Monday, January 26, 2015

Dry Eyes, Prickly Thorns


Sometimes I feel that I know how the rose feels…to have a thorn in its side. I’ve written about the thorn of the rosebush before in the context of relationships (Relational Rose Bush). We know roses have thorns and must treat them as so and not curse the way they are! Some days I believe I too, have a thorn in my side. There’s this thing that is just apart of how God made me that gets twisted up in my flesh and rears its ugly head. It's purposes are against God's plan and desire for me. I have prayed for deliverance of it, confessed it, sought forgiveness for it's effects, ignored it, shoved it in a locked cabinet, fasted over it, but it’s still there, just like the rose's thorny stem.

Friday, January 23, 2015

Bigger is always Better...or Is It?

   Things are just bigger in Texas! We have bigger burgers, bigger hats, bigger cows, and maybe even bigger people. We look naturally to the BIGGER, thinking somehow it’s better.

   For many of us, we want to accomplish BIG things in life. We toil and strive to come out on top – to be distinguished and noticed in our field of expertise. Why throw a tiny pebble into the pond when a large boulder will make a much larger ripple effect? Have you ever tried to pick up one of those boulders? Or tried to launch it? I argue, your ability to would depend on how many smaller, “lesser” ones you’ve practiced on previously. The untrained can throw their back trying!

Wednesday, January 21, 2015

Better Than a Black Friday Sale

Proverbs 24:3-4 “By wisdom a house is built, and through understanding it is established; through knowledge its rooms are filled with rare and beautiful treasures.

   How do we build a house with wisdom? This verse says our house will be established through understanding. That like couches and tables that fill our actual house, the beautiful antique treasures in this metaphorical house get there by knowledge.

Monday, January 19, 2015

Putting Movement into Learning!

   When I decided to have a "home school" page on my blog, I didn't want to "follow" a certain curriculum or method, or be a second Pinterest page to look at. Instead, I want to encourage home-schoolers in their journey whatever they use and wherever they are. This journey is hard enough without thinking we have to be highly organized or crafty to do this well. If God called you to it, He knew You could do it with the personality and style You posses. Now, that doesn't mean we don't grow in the process, but we thankfully don't change who we are!

Friday, January 16, 2015

Joys from the Stomach Bug

It has happened to us all. The day starts out great. The sun is shining, kids are playing and you are feeling great. Lunch rolls around and the day is halfway over! Thirty minutes after the leftovers are refrigerated and the dishes put away (or in the sink) it hits...nausea, headache, dizziness. You must find a toilet, a bed, a rag and FAST. Mentally you scratch off the original plans of your day because you have the stomach bug. Hopefully it will “run its course” in 24-hours and no one else will get it!

Wednesday, January 14, 2015


I love being flexible, except when it interferes with my routine. I have never done "school" during the Holidays. However due to an extended summer break and later than normal Kenya trip, we have found ourselves doing just that. Now, instead of rolling into the holidays doing fun crafts, candies, and colors, we are doing MATH, World War 2, and Phonics! 

Monday, January 12, 2015

The Best Kept Secret Ingredient...according to my Kids

I don't know about you, but I'm glad the holidays are over!

   For us, the month of December is a time for family gatherings, gifts, shopping and often times, stress and packed schedules. In the middle of all these activities I try to make time for my kids to make some home-made gifts of their own. This year, it was last minute, but I seized Christmas Eve Eve as the Day! The kids dressed in their aprons, the counters cleared and the broom and mop ready for the mess that would follow, we began. I think we started more enthusiastically than we ended, but still, considering it's the holidays, I consider the day a success! 

Wednesday, January 7, 2015

Who are you?

   Mom, you are important!!! Don’t tell me your kids aren’t watching you. Don't think for a second that how you live life in front of them doesn’t matter to them. It does matter. Greatly.