Wednesday, September 17, 2014

Wonderful Well Water

The weather this morning excited me as I strapped on my shoes and hit the pavement. The first cool, crisp morning since Spring.  A little weary of how far I thought I could go today, due to my shins bothering me.  You know, in general, I don’t like pain. I know that’s a news flash but when pain hits, I’m ready to stop. And some pain signals of deeper problems, but this wasn’t that. This was just agitating and trying to get me off course!

I know this sounds goofy, but before setting out, I ask the Lord to direct my steps. To guide me where to run where He has something for me. If nothing stands out or comes to mind I have a “usual” course. Well, today I ran to the point where I planned to turn around, but it didn’t seem time to stop,  so I kept going, and going until finally a telephone pole transformer caught my eye and I decided to turn around there. With that now in focus, I wasn’t paying attention to much else. As I approached, I realized this is where our water companies treatment plant is. My heart leaped and my spirit almost wept.  It was a well! Yes, I knew the water company had this here, but how awesome for today that God would lead me to turn around at a well!

 You see, just before I headed out, I was praying that God would show me how to find His rest IN my circumstances. When life is just hectic and I can’t slow it down anymore how can I find God’s rest? This well reminds me that HE is the well of living water. And He will lead me to it, if I will just listen. Jesus told the woman at the well that if she drank from His water she would never thirst again. “Indeed the water I give him will become in him a spring of water welling up to eternal life.” (John 4:13) Come to the well. Bring your worries, burdens and lay them down here. Then you will find rest. How do you expect to run, Julie, with burdens on your back? Do Olympic runners wear backpacks to the race? No! They run in the least amount of clothes possible. It’s painful to run with shin splints,  yes? Would you let me help you with those? Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened and I will give you rest.  Then you can run the race that’s before you. 

Wow, all that from a well treatment plant! God can use ANYTHING!

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