Friday, February 13, 2015

Top 10 Homeschool Phrases....

 I May or May NOT Say to my Husband

10) Yes, my brain is fried!!

9) I don't know what's for dinner - any ideas?

8) Your jeans are in their new drawer, some call it a dryer.

7) Yes, I want your help, but don't ask me what with - just pick something!

6) Yes, this is normal and calm!

5) "Yes, honey, I'll come to bed in just a minute. Let me finish this chapter...I can't decide if I want to use Saxon Math or Teaching Textbooks..."

4) No, I don't know what happened to your chair - it didn't look that way before our art project!

3) I thought the house looked pretty good - you should've seen it an hour ago!

2) What, I can't hear you - let me get my 5 year old to turn down the music. I don't know how to work it!

1) I know I don't always tell you - calmly - but thank you for being the stable & sane parent!

Enjoy the weekend Moms!!

Putting it In Our Own Words,


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