Sunday, June 23, 2013


Sometimes life has the amazing ability to just be really hard. I try to be optimistic and find the good in all situations; to not grumble and complain - but sometimes, the school of life just slaps you across the face and tells you to "SIT DOWN"! It's those times when there's at least one puzzle piece missing (feels like more) that I cannot see. I can look in hindsight and see how the pieces have linked together. I can look ahead and make out a faint sketch of what is to come, but right in front of me - there's just no piece that fits! I've tried them all. It's a lot like our last family vacation. The one where we drove 11 hours the first day, 7 the next few days and 18 hours straight home. We heard questions like, "Where are we going today, Mom?" Mom answers... "Well how far is that?" A few minutes later, "How much further....Are we there yet?" Those are natural, trying to get my bearings questions. Thankfully, we weren't the first explorers to travel to New Mexico, Arizona and Colorado, so we have a general idea of how far, how long and where to stop along the way. In the same way, the ancients of our faith have also traveled this life and left behind nuggets of truth, encouragement and wisdom for our walk today.

When Moses led the Israelites out of Egypt, after the plagues and finally the Passover, they had no idea what obstacle they were going to meet first. Right out of the gate, they reach a chasm in their life puzzle called The Red Sea. What do we do now Lord?! Take me back to Egypt! The Lord directed Moses to raise his staff and stretch it over the water. From there I always think they just hopped ashore and watched their enemies splash to their demise. But that's not exactly how it happened. That's not the whole story. To stop there would be missing a huge piece to the puzzle. The piece where God shows His glory. So God parts the waters and sends His pillar of cloud BEHIND the Isrealites to protect them from the ensuing army. All night long they walked through the sea. Walls of water to their right and left. Walk... walk...walk. With no one mentioning the fact that at any moment the waters could return back and swallow them all up whole!

 Exodus 14:24 says, "During the last watch of the night the Lord looked down from the pillar of fire and cloud at the Egyptian army and thew it into confusion. He made the wheels of their chariots come off so that they had difficulty driving. And the Egyptians said, 'Let's get away from the Israelites! The Lord is fighting for them against Egypt.'"

There are times I've seen the Lord perform miracles and "part the waters" for our family. There's also times, I'm learning, He sends His pillar of fire behind us, putting distance between us and our enemy; shining light to us, but darkness to them. In those situations, when I'm walking through the oooey, gooey seaweed covered land with jellyfish to my right and left, we can only keep putting one foot in front of the other, and trusting God do the fighting and let Him get the glory. The Israelites walked all night. I may walk for awhile, but at the last watch, God will show up and deliver His people.

O Lord, Are we there yet?!

1 comment:

  1. wow. Thank you for elaborating on the 'whole story'! As I turned to reread Ex 14 with new awareness of God revealing His glory. I thought of Rahab in Joshua 2. She knew the God of Israel was the only true God because she had heard of the drying of the Red Sea. I then thought of when Jesus raised Lazarus(Jn 11) and said so "you would see the glory of God" (vs 40) and "for the benefit of the people standing here, that they may believe that You sent Me." (vs 42).

    Yes, God will deliver His people. He is delivering us. And He wants others to see that they may come to His deliverance too.
