Friday, November 28, 2014

Refreshments Anyone?

   At the end of a long run my legs ACHE, my lungs HEAVE, and my taste buds crave a re-hydration drink. Crossing that finish line is the only goal in my mind. I can smell it…or is that my sweat dripping down? Giving it all I’ve got, once I cross that line, AHHH I made it, now I can rest. After a good workout our body needs to replenished, right? Well, in the same way, our SPIRIT needs refreshment after its been exercised. After those uphill battles in life, we just need a good lemonade stand!

A verse that encouraged and reminded me where I can find that refreshment is Act 3:19. “Now change your mind and attitude to God and turn to Him so He can cleanse away your sins and send you wonderful times of refreshment from the presence of the Lord.”

YES! Wonderful times of refreshment from the presence from the Lord is EXACLY what I need!! Imagine if I let God Himself satisfy me after a good “run” instead of earthly things that APPEAR to satisfy but after awhile leave me empty. Jesus will never leave me empty. He knows just what I need, when I need, and how I’ll receive it.
In the same way, date nights are a wonderful way to refresh our marriages. Sometimes, that finish line can be our wedding day. He or she has won our heart and now we can coast. OH, contraire dear friend! Sip some good hydration, for the real journey has just begun. And after those uphill battles of everyday life in the office or at home, a good lemonade stand can come in the form of a dinner and movie for 2.

I remember dates being so exciting and new when we first met! What happened? How can I capture that again? Adam and I committed before we had children that our relationship had to be a priority, even above our kids. We have fought to maintain that mindset and have found that regular date nights and/ or just special times, quality together really helps keep our relationship solid. And when we recognize that we wear the same jersey, that we're in this life together, not on opposing teams, we can be better parents.
In this blog, I hope you find encouragement to make your relationship with Jesus your #1 priority. He is our first Spouse, and loves unconditionally while filling a void no earthly partner can satisfy. After that, I hope that you'll be excited about dating your spouse again! Jesus can Redeem all things...even the tired lungs and aching muscles of our marriage.

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