I promise I didn't add anything to her comment! After I heard her say it, I ran to grab my quote book and a pen, repeating her phrase over in my head. Which is funny, because she doesn't just say things once, so she was following me, repeating it as well! Anyway, I thought those were strong and sobering words from a 7 year old. However, I agree with her assessment. What a wretched woman I am. At the core, because of sin, my every inclination pulls towards self. Only because of God's grace and mercy through His Son Jesus Christ do I have any hope of doing or living any other way than to please myself. When I look at it that way, no wonder I mess up! No wonder I fail and stumble. And no wonder others have failed and hurt me. Thank you Lord for your grace that takes my fallible human effort and uses it by Your power for Your glory.
I see something else when I look through life using those lenses. Paul says it best in 1 Tim 1:13:
"Here is a trustworthy saying that deserves full acceptance: Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners - of whom I am the worst."
Who is Paul exalting in that statement? Himself or Christ? Christ! When we see Christ for who He truly is, we also see ourselves for who we truly are. When I'm in that position, the plank in my eye is obstructing my vision a whole lot more than the speck in my brothers. Now the gospel message can be shared with grace and truth, free of condemnation. It's not about me and my record, its about Him and His love and finished work on the cross. His love has covered all our sins. When I see it that way, my nose comes back down out of the loftiness that my self-righteousness can place it and meets people lovingly where they are. To finish Paul's statement in the next verse,
"But for that very reason I was shown mercy so that in me, the worst of sinners, Christ Jesus might display his unlimited patience as an example for those who would believe on him and receive eternal life."
I'm thankful to have a store to stand as a reminder that Jesus is the only One who covers up my nasty heart!
I'm thankful for your reminder.