My baby girl. She is one of the three most precious things ever laid in my arms! Ahh, just her smell ~ which usually resembled more of a spit-up, dried milk mixture than sweet smelling baby magic soap! My little girl would never take a pacifier - no sirree, she'd gag herself half to death every time we tried. One day though, we found the magic pill. It was a blanket. I know there's many out there, but this particular blanket was soft flannel with silky smooth ribbon all around the edges. I think the original one was baby blue with a furry bunny rabbit in the middle. Oh how she loved that stinky thing! Immediately the ribbon trim was intricately woven around her little fingers, stuck in her mouth and all was well! There was only one problem. After a nap, that blanket would be soaking wet - not a dry spot one to suck on. That sweet little ladybug would stagger out of her room, blanket in hand, tears streaming down her cheeks, "Mommy there's no dry spots left." Ugh, the waft of rank, wet slobber confirmed her words. There was only one treatment... the washing machine. So you can imagine the pure delight of this little girl when a "brand new" clean blanket would magically appear out of the dryer covered in dry spots! She'd instantly snatch it up, snuggle in her mouth and head to lay down on the couch. Then, before she'd get up to go play, we'd hear her say, "Daddy, will you save this dry spot for me? She literally expected us to hold that dry spot among the soiled for her until she returned - which she did, expecting to receive it! Sweet girl.
You know, there's a few things in this life I'd just love to hold onto and save forever. The moments like those with Mackenzie and my other kids and family members that are so precious. I think God has a treasure box waiting for me in Heaven filled with moments like these that I will cherish again in His presence. But then there's other things, tangible, comfort-me things of this world that I also like to hold onto and save. My comforts, my treasures, my trophies. On these things, my fingers unintentionally clasp around too tightly in efforts to save. Grasping and clasping, "that's mine, stay away," just like my children do. Lord, will you peel my fingers away from those things and place them instead on You and Your Word! I heard the words of Luke 9:24 in my mind, " For whoever wants to save his life will lose it, but whoever loses his life for me will save it." Instead of putting my money into a purse with holes in it, God offers me - us - this: "Do not be afraid little flock, for your Father has been pleased to give you the kingdom. Sell your possessions and give to the poor. Provide purses for yourselves that will not wear out, a treasure in heaven that will not be exhausted, where no thief comes near and no moth destroys. For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also. " Luke 12:32-34
Mackenzie's treasure was on that dry spot of her beloved blanket. What is my treasure on? Where is yours? Only when we release that, can we truly save it. And only by His grace!
I've been re-reading a couple of your posts in reverse order. I love how this post relates to your next one. Our "treasures" of this world also become quite a burden. Don't they?