We've all been there. You're driving on the interstate when your exit is next. You take it and merge onto the service road traffic. At some point or another, you had to yield to the right-a-way traffic (unless you're driving in Mombasa!), otherwise traffic chaos ensues. There's too many people trying to go the same way!
Tuesday, December 30, 2014
Who has the right-a-way?
We've all been there. You're driving on the interstate when your exit is next. You take it and merge onto the service road traffic. At some point or another, you had to yield to the right-a-way traffic (unless you're driving in Mombasa!), otherwise traffic chaos ensues. There's too many people trying to go the same way!
Monday, December 22, 2014
Healing Scars
When I was a kid I loved to ride my bike. I
rode all up and down and around where we lived. Thankfully our house was
located in a gated, secure community; so many times I could take off by myself
or with my granddad and be gone for an hour. The roads were SO hilly! Of
course, as a kid, I loved that! Racing fast down hill, no worry of falling –
it’s what kids do! Well, one time, I was doing just that when I hit a rock just
right and took a nose dive off my handle bars. The next thing I remember was
getting up and wondering what happened! Thankfully the accident didn’t leave me
critically hurt, but it did leave a nice scar on my knee to remember it by.
Thursday, December 18, 2014
Power in the Storm
Psalm 46:1-3
"God is our refuge and strength,
a very present help in trouble,
Therefore we will not fear though the
earth give way,
though the mountains be moved into
the heart of the sea,
though its waters roar and foam,
though the mountains tremble at its
Have you ever been there? Standing on the top of the mountain and feeling the earth tremble, ready to just "give way"? You feel the waters roaring around you and smell the foam it gives off. Yes, it's HERE that the Lord says, "I am your refuge and strength. DO NOT FEAR."
Monday, December 15, 2014
For Unto Us a Child is Born
Growing up as an only child, I always talked to myself. Yes, even answered myself! I have always been a deep thinker and so I had to process somehow. I remember just mumbling my thoughts aloud, trying to make since of life. I realized the battles of right and wrong, of good and evil. I remember feeling almost schizophrenic for I could play out two scenarios in my head. I knew how I should respond, but something in me wanted to know what would happen if I, instead, responded how I shouldn’t.
Friday, December 12, 2014
Dear Mom
It’s Christmas time! In other words, that means, parties, tinsel, cooking, decorating, friends, laughter, candles, “sleigh rides”, and caroling. Which then leads to, sleep deprivation, traveling, piled up laundry, extra dishes, schedule crunching, rushing here, line waiting, online shopping, stressing out, credit card charging, expensive, how-much-can-I-cram-into-one-day…..UGH! But smile for the camera, we have so much to be thankful for, besides, it’s the HOLIDAYS!
Tuesday, December 9, 2014
Welcome to the Steck Family Store!!!
Yes, we just returned from Kenya mere weeks ago, but we can't wait to go back, and this time with our kids!! So, no trip is possible without the support of our friends, family and even acquaintances we haven't made yet. Believe it or not, God confirms His plans through you! We trust Him for that, and are excited to see what He will do. We have put together some handmade items, created with love and prayers for you to purchase and all the proceeds will go directly to funding our family mission trip in 2015. Please know these are minimum donation amounts and we encourage you to pray about this and give as the Lord leads, for this is His work. Adam and I are passionate about the work the Lord is doing through Lighthouse For Christ. The vision to plant churches in the Kenya, provide continual pastoral leadership and mentorship, plus provide top of the line eye care for the community beautifully illustrates the Gospel.
Sunday, December 7, 2014
Recipe of the Week!!
It's time to crank up the Christmas music and pull out the decorations!! And what better way to season the air than to cook up a steaming hot pot of...no not coffee...not tea...how about....yes, Wassail!!! Mmmm, I can smell it now! Perfect treat for the mid-decorating slump. Here ya go.... enjoy!! We sure do!
True Gift
Wednesday, December 3, 2014
Come as you are
The words “Come as you are,” washed over me as I ran down
the road, stirring up the leaves as I passed by. I thought of the changing
seasons and how that parallels to so much of life. What if the trees stubbornly
resisted the impending dropping of leaves? Or decided they would not grow new
ones this year because they love the winter too much? Sometimes, honestly, that’s
how I feel. I don’t want to grow, it’s hard. I don’t want to change seasons,
for that requires changing out clothes and I just got used to everything. Why
can’t things just stay the way they are?! But if the leaves don’t drop in fall,
the tree would die in winter for lack of food. If no bud of leaves appear in
Spring, that tree is future firewood. Change is ordained by God and good for us
that we may grow and thrive.
Monday, December 1, 2014
Dear Elijah,
I just finished reading your story in the book of 1 Kings, chapters 17-19. I imagine you standing at the entrance of the cave in Horeb watching the LORD pass by. What was that like?!
Your story has me reflecting...
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